Durham University
 AndreannaWelch Dr Andreanna Welch   Project co-lead The Welch lab specialise in using molecular approaches to hard-to-sample DNA to explore ecological and evolutionary questions.
 AlmaLiss Dr Alma Lissette Sánchez Quiñones Postdoc - cocoa pollinator eDNA specialist During her PhD, Alma developed techniques for eDNA sampling from cooca flowers on Cameroonian cocoa plantations. She is now applying that expertise to Ghana.
 SarahArnold2 Dr Sarah Arnold Project co-lead Sarah is a pollination ecologist with an interest in crop pollinators. She previously research pollination of cocoa in the Caribbean on the CocoaPOP project and is now building on that with (IP)-EPIC.
 MichaelAdjaloo2 Dr Michael Adjaloo Scientific co-ordinator, cocoa pollination specialist Dr Adjaloo has extensive experience with investigating the ecology and diversity of cocoa pollinators in central Ghana, especially around the Bobiri Forest Reserve, and is overseeing the fieldwork for (IP)-EPIC.
 BismarkOwusu Mr Bismark Owusu Cocoa specialist/forecaster and PhD student With many years' experience working on cocoa around central Ghana, forecasting yields and liaising with farmers about crop management, Bismark is well-placed to carry out insect-sampling on this project as part of his PhD studies.
       NRI (University of Greenwich)
 MandelaFG Dr Mandela Fernandez-Grandon Chemical ecology and biopesticide specialist Mandela leads a research area on understanding the benefits and limitations of biopesticides for pest management, and is interested in whether pyrethrum is a sustainable alternative in cocoa IPM. He also has extensive background in the chemical ecology of plant-insect and insect-insect interactions and seeks to learn whether this affects pollination in cocoa.
  Dr Steve Harte Synthetic organic chemist Steve is a synthetic chemist with an interest in pheromone- and kairomone-based communication involving insects, including pollinator-flower interactions and mating pheromones.
 PhilStevenson Prof Phil Stevenson Natural products chemist Phil has a longstanding interest in the chemical ecology of pollination systems, as well as wider questions of agroecological sustainability with respect to insects.